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St. Ronan's well

Walter Scott

Editora Everyman's Library
Idioma Inglês
Estado : Usado 5/5
Encadernação : Capa dura
Disponib. - Em stock

Mais detalhes
  • Ano
  • 1921
  • Código
  • LT007732
  • Detalhes físicos
  • Nº Páginas
  • 457


Meg Dods, a sentimental virago, keeps a rundown inn in a derelict Tweedale village, while the young Laird is living way beyond his means. When a nearby spring becomes a Spa, life changes as a hotel and a troop of social climbers move in. But this is not a tale of antique virtue giving way todecadent ostentation: although the gang at the "Wel" dance the seven deadly sins, everyone in the book has feet of clay.

St. Ronan's well


Walter Scott
Editora Everyman's Library
Idioma Inglês
Estado : Usado 5/5
Encadernação : Capa dura
Disponib. - Em stock

Mais detalhes
  • Ano
  • 1921
  • Código
  • LT007732
  • Detalhes físicos

  • Nº Páginas
  • 457

Meg Dods, a sentimental virago, keeps a rundown inn in a derelict Tweedale village, while the young Laird is living way beyond his means. When a nearby spring becomes a Spa, life changes as a hotel and a troop of social climbers move in. But this is not a tale of antique virtue giving way todecadent ostentation: although the gang at the "Wel" dance the seven deadly sins, everyone in the book has feet of clay.